Classic druid heart of the wild build
Classic druid heart of the wild build

classic druid heart of the wild build

I'm sure it's easier to play fun specs if you're an officer, like your signature states that you are. Most serious guilds will not accept oddball specs (I'm not evaluating the fairness of this, just stating facts). As you stated earlier in this thread druids have pretty bad talents overall, so the impact isn't as big as other classes' hybrid builds.Īn important aspect is managing to find a raidspot with a non-optimal build if you want to do anything other than the occasional MC pug. But it's not such a compromise that it doesn't work at all. However the HotW build is truly capable of decent healing and tanking for all content, which is pretty cool. Taladril wrote:I don't think the point of that build is to try to compare against a pure heal build. Are you telling me, that 20% more Intellect can't be weighed against those two? The only thing you're really missing out on, are 9% mana reduction from Moonglow, and +10% Healing from Gift of Nature. * Nature's Swiftness is not, as someone suggested, a PvP talent. If all you do is spam HT rank 3/4 for an entire fight, you're (probably) not reaching your full potential. * Regarding the "druids going oom"-discussion you can always push yourself harder. The increased crit of Regrowth is, together with 5 pc T2, also pretty sick. The main advantage of full resto is Swiftmend. * When it comes to the good ol' 24/0/27 vs full resto discussion, they're both viable but use different playstyles.

classic druid heart of the wild build

If you have Theorycraft you can see how much more mana/crit you'd get with HotW.

classic druid heart of the wild build

* Heart of the Wild builds are always worse than 24/0/27 or the "full resto build" for healing.

Classic druid heart of the wild build